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Hewani platform by Virtualcity



  • The SaaS offer
  • Pre-requisites for installation
  • Step1: Pre-installation
  • Step 2: Installation
  • Step 3: Post-installation
  • Review deployed resources
  • Updating an existing installation

###Version: 5.0.22 (Web), 5.0.22 (API), and Version 0.0.22 (Mobile)

Project Name Build status Release Status (Dev) Release Status (QA) Release Status (QA)
Retailr Backend (API) Build status
Release status
Release status
Retailr Frontend - Web Build status
Release status
Release status
Retailr Frontend - Mobile Build status N/A

[ToDo: What is Retailr?]

The Retailr platform is delivered in three main ways

  • API services that form the core Retailr offering
  • Web User interface to interact with the API services
  • Retailr field service app that is used by field workers and integrates to the API services

##Retailr Components
The Retailr platform is divided in to four main feature components*:

  1. Masterdata Management [ToDo: Brief description]
  2. Config Data Management [ToDo: Brief description]
  3. Trader entities [ToDo: Brief description]
  4. Transactions Management [ToDo: Brief description]
  5. Discounts Management [ToDo: Brief description]
  6. Surveys** [ToDo: Brief description]
  7. Inventory Management [ToDo: Brief description]

1. Masterdata Management

Masterdata management has the following feature-sets:

  • Brands
  • Sub-Brands
  • Products
  • Product types
  • Product Categories
  • Product components
  • Packaging
  • Packaging types
  • VAT Classes
  • VAT Rates
  • Pricing tiers
  • Targets

2. Config Data Management

Config data management has the following feature-sets:

  • Banks
  • Counties
  • Vouchers
  • Locations
  • Industries
  • Outlet Tiers
  • Outlet Types

3. Trader Entities

Trader entities has the following feature-sets:

  • Anchors
  • Outlets
  • Clusters
  • Contacts
  • Suppliers
  • Merchants
  • Consumers
  • Field Reps
  • Service Providers

4. Transactions Management

Transactions management has the following feature-sets:

  • Catalogues
  • Purchase Orders
  • Sales Orders
  • Invoices
  • Payments
  • Receipts
  • Delivery Notes
  • Goods Received Notes

5. Discounts Management

Discounts management has the following feature-sets:

  • Incentives
  • Promotions
  • Discount Groups
  • By Invoice Value

6. Surveys**

Surveys has the following feature-sets:

  • Map
  • Branding
  • Stock Take

7. Inventory Management

Inventory management has the following feature-sets:

  • List
  • Stock Take
  • Issue
  • Return

* These are the MVP features of the new platform (v4.0.*) and is subject to change
** Surveys functionality is part of Researcher and will be migrated to the Researchr Platform

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