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ForgeFusion on Azure App service for Linux

Sometimes when running the default ForgeFusion YAML pipeline for Azure DevOps, you may get a failed build with errors similar to the below:

##[error]At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details.
##[error]MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.ContainerRegistry'. See for how to register subscriptions.
##[error]Check out the troubleshooting guide to see if your issue is addressed:
##[error]Task failed while creating or updating the template deployment.

This error indicates that your Azure subscription is not registered to use the Microsoft.ContainerRegistry resource provider. To resolve this issue, you need to register this resource provider with your Azure subscription. Here are the steps to do this:

Step 1: Register the Resource Provider

  1. Azure Portal:

    • Go to the Azure Portal
    • Navigate to Subscriptions and select the subscription that you are using.
    • Under the Settings section, click on Resource providers.
    • Search for Microsoft.ContainerRegistry in the list of resource providers.
    • Click on the Register button.
  2. Azure CLI: If you prefer using the Azure CLI, you can register the resource provider with the following command:

    az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
    Azure PowerShell:
  3. Alternatively, you can use Azure PowerShell:

    Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
    Step 2: Verify the Registration
  1. Azure Portal:

    • After initiating the registration, refresh the Resource providers page in the Azure Portal and ensure the Microsoft.ContainerRegistry status changes to Registered.
  2. Azure CLI:

    az provider show --namespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
    This command should display the registration status of the resource provider.
  3. Azure PowerShell:

    Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.ContainerRegistry
    This command should also display the registration status.

Step 3: Retry the Deployment

Once the resource provider is registered, retry the deployment operation that previously failed. This should resolve the error and allow your deployment to proceed successfully.

Additional Resources

For further troubleshooting, you can refer to the following links:

These steps should help you resolve the MissingSubscriptionRegistration error and complete your deployment successfully. If you encounter further issues, ensure you review the detailed error messages and consult the Azure documentation or support for more specific guidance. You can also raise a ticket with us and we can help you troubleshoot the error in detail.

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